Thursday, December 16, 2010

back from the dead

So I'm not in love with this background, but it'll have to do for now till I figure out blogger's new design templates etc.


I'm so sorry I've been neglecting this site! Things have been hectic this year when we decided to go through the home-buying process. Almost a year later, I feel like I can breathe again. sheesh!

I decided to fix a flaw. Instead of having to check back here to see if your post had any comments you needed to see, that I would just email them to you since they go to my email acct. Duh, I know. Sorry for that past inconvenience! It should be a lot more manageable now. (I also added this new tidbit in the blog description category so any newcomers will get this info.)

I've decided to try and post a soup/warm weather recipe everyday (or cheat and put a link if I come across one online ;) just 'cuz I love soup/chili etc. *Please feel free to add some of your own, I love new recipes!!* Hoping you have a Merry Christmas,


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