Saturday, August 2, 2008

Back to School!

It's just about that time for most everyone to send the chillins back to school. Here's a fun little idea to give to those you know starting back.

Fill a pencil box with some things the student will need and decorate the outside with some stickers. It's a fun way to give a little gift to help them get excited for school again.

Now I geared mine towards kindergarten/1st grade--but if you're wanting to do it for older kids there's plenty of things out there to use in place of the pencil box & fillers--have fun and surprise a neighbor, friend, relative, or your own child with it!

I got all of this @ Walmart in their school section for cheap-- pencil box - .97 sharpener(pk of 2) - .50 mini composition book - .77 pencil pack(10) - .50 blunt scissors - .60 crayons - .22 colored pencils - .88 glue stick(pk of 3) - .60 TOTAL: $5.04

1 comment:

amynewby said...

you are so sweet ash, they will love getting those in the mail!