Prinderalla and the CinceTonce upon a wime, there was a gretty little pirl named Prinderalla. She lived with her two sisty uglers and her micked wepstother. They made her flub the scroors, wean the clindows and do all the wirty dork. Wasn't that a shirty dame!
One day, the cince proffered an oclamation that all the gelibigle irls were inviteded to a drancy fess ball. Prinderella didn't have a drancy fess. All she had was a rirty dag, so she cat down and sried.
Along came her gairy fodmother who turned her rirty dag into a drancy fess, hice into morses, and a cumpkin into a poach -- but she warned Prinderalla to be home by the moke of stridnight.
Prinderalla pranced with the dince and at the moke of stridnight, she dan rown the stalace peps. As she dan rown the stalace peps, she slopped her dirpper.
The dext nay, the dince proffered another oclamation that all the lung yadies were to try on the slass gripper. It fidn't dit the two sisty uglers because their tig boes fidn't dit in the slass gripper. It fid dit Prinderalla because her tig poe fid dit -- so she parried the mince and they lived appily ever hafter!
The storal to the mory is: If you want to find your prandsome hince, be sure to slop you dripper.
ha! at first i just thought the words were just jumbled, until i got to the last few words, i know i'm slow...that was cute.
If you are ever privileged enough to hear Jake Hinkin's "InderCella" it will be an unforgettable, laugh so hard it hurts, experience!!
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