Sunday, September 7, 2008

The cloth diaper revolution!!

Hi ladies, I have been researching cloth diapers since I have about five weeks left until a baby is supposed to drop out of me. I found some pretty interesting stuff for those sexy green mommas out there.
Firstly, the facts:
-America dumps roughly 6 billion diapers in lands fills every year....YIKES!!! EVERY YEAR!!!
-At the rate in which they decompose it will take each diaper 500 YEARS to finally fade away.
-Which isn't true. They will NEVER fade away. As they decompose they brake down into micro- polymers that leak into the soil and spread into our water systems and food chain.
-So each and every diaper we use will have a really nasty and deplorable life span affecting people 500 years down the road.
-Disposable diapers are filled with tons of Chemicals that DO AFFECT your baby. No matter how much we try to deny it, America's health care system should be called a sick care system. We are becoming more and more ill. I attribute this to the fact that ALL of our possessions are brimming with toxins and chemicals. We start as young as the first thing we wear...the diaper. Doctors have actually said that when they do urine samples in infants the results are affected by the chemicals that reside in their diapers.
-Diaper rash...can I hear a whoop whoop!? I believe that my son had severe diaper rash because of chemicals in his diaper. His sensitive skin simply could not handle the harsh chemicals. I have a friend who uses cloth diapers. When they went on vacation she decided to go with disposable diapers for convenience while they traveled. She stated that her daughter had horrible diaper rashes the whole trip that immediately went away when she was safely home and in the cloth diapers again. Now it could be that she was just affected by the trip but she has never had diaper rashes up to that point so I suspect foul play on behalf of the diaper!
-Cost!! This was a real swinger for me becasue we are a pretty young and poor couple. The average household will anywhere from 1,000 to 2,000 dollars in diapers from newborn to potty training. Well how would you like to save about 75% of that!?

Ladies, we are smarter than that!
I have found a reusable cloth diaper that I am totally thrilled about.
The dundundundun...
It's supposed to be the ultimate in cloth diapers.

It's a one size fits all. This diaper fits newborns and then all the way up to potty training. They have special snaps in front that allow the diaper to expand and contract according to need.
A poll was taken and 140 women commented about this diaper. They could give it a one to five star rating (1= bad 5=best). Of the 140 120 gave it five stars. 11 gave it four stars and 9 gave it three stars or less. Not bad for such a wide range of women. The biggest thing they said was that it didn't leak. Awesome news!
They come in about six different colors...yes ridiculous but ohhh sooo cute!
They have inserts that you place inside and you can double up if you need to to allow for maxium absorbancy.
They have stretchy tabs just like disposable so that they fits snuggly and comfortably.
They are made of microfiber which helps absorb wetness to keep those cute bums dry and free from diaper rash!
Okay hold your breath here comes the price. One diaper with two inserts included costs...17.00 a diaper. I know rather steep, but need to buy at the most 20 diapers and then you are set for the rest of your life! Follow me? It will cost you roughtly 350 to 400 dollars and then you are done! You can save 1500.00 dollars and never send a nasty dispoable diaper to contaminate our beautiful planet. ZERO LANDFILL WASTE!! Yes, you have to rinse and wash these puppies but think of the good you are doing for the environment and for your baby!
Lastly, they have won awards inlcuding the "iparenting choice award".

Thanks for reading! Hope you are inspired! Here is the website

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Sorry I've been slacking!
I love hearing from you ladies! Thanks for all the wonderful posts so far, keep 'em coming! You can post whenever you want, but I forgot to mention one thing: When you post, the comments get sent to my email. When they do, I will then forward them on to you so you can respond as needed. Thank you!