Friday, May 30, 2008

heart shaped quesadillas

Here's a fun idea if you haven't tried it before. Valentine's Day came and I was going to make heart shaped PB&J but alas - no bread. So I tried it on quesadillas and it's been a big hit around here ever since. You have to flip it over and press the cookie cutter on the other side, too - at least for my basic plastic shapes. And, as the mom, you are the lucky one to get to eat the scraps... :)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The City of Ember

This was a great book and an easy read. I will confess that I mostly picked it up from the library because a) I really needed to read something b) they are making a movie out of it (coming out in October). What a clever idea for a story too. The next book in the series is called The People of Sparks and the next is The Prophet of Yonwood. We'll see if I can get to these, I hate waiting for copies to come available at the library! When we were in Lincoln and if I was really desperate, I would go down to the closest Barnes and Noble and plant myself in a chair and read, read, read. What's a good book you've read recently (or non-recently!:)
(I tried inserting a pic of the front cover, but my computer likes to irritate me, but I think you'll recognize it if you google it.) Happy reading!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Doing little Girl's Hair

For those of you with little girls check this out. It's a blog on cute do's. Check out her links too for bow making and such. If all you have are boys check it out anyway- you could make some bows for presents or pass the info on.